Featured Ministry: Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI)

Founded by Louis Kaplan in 1967, Jewish Voice Broadcasts began as a weekly 15-minute radio program. Kaplan, a Jewish follower of Yeshua, launched the program as an outgrowth of his decades of work as a traveling evangelist.

The ministry grew and flourished, touching countless lives and introducing many to Yeshua the Messiah. The baton of leadership was passed to Jonathan Bernis in 1998 when Kaplan suffered a debilitating stroke. Bernis founded Hear O’ Israel Ministries, an outreach organization that produced large-scale, international festivals of Jewish music and dance throughout Eastern Europe and Russia.

Today, the organization is known as Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI) and it exists to transform lives and see all Israel saved. Its mission is to proclaim the gospel, engage the church concerning Israel and the Jewish people, and grow the Messianic Jewish community.

JVMI carries out this mission through a many-faceted ministry that includes humanitarian medical outreaches, large-scale international festivals, congregation planting and leadership training, television, print media, digital channels, and speaking engagements.

JVMI also produces a daily television show, Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis, to educate viewers in the U.S. and abroad on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, Bible prophecy, and world events relating to Israel and the Middle East. JVMI also educates and shares their message through social media, seminars, webcasts, and print publications, including Jewish Voice Today Magazine.

Visit their website to find out more about this dynamic organization that is making a difference in our world today. And make sure to check out this months Featured Book by Rabbi Bernis.

The Jewish Voice


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