- If you could have a conversation with any one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why? AB
Hmm… this is a very good question. If I were to think of all those who have gone before us I would have to choose the apostle Paul. He is probably the most misunderstood writer of the Second Testament among both the Jewish and Christian communities. After Paul’s Damascus Road experience, he disappeared into the desert for three years. It was there that deep spiritual truths were revealed to him by the Spirit of God. He came back ready to minister and communicate the Divine Word of God. Miracles occurred as angels appeared regularly in his presence, jail cells opened on their own, people being healed even raised from the dead. His insight was vast as he explained eight different mysteries in His teachings to the churches in the provinces. At times he almost seemed desperate for us Gentiles (who had no clue) to get it and at the same time so disappointed when his brothers, the Jews, couldn’t see it!
Paul writes, “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh.” Romans 9:3
But if I could have a conversation with anyone alive – it would be Yeshua, hands down – And to think I will get to converse with both of these one day!