As we break down the ancient Jewish prayer that Yeshua taught us to pray, it’s important to understand the prayer from its original Jewish matrix. How did the disciples understand the instructions?
When Yeshua said the three words “Our Father” the disciples would begin to hear many other words reverberating in their minds. They were familiar with many scriptural and traditional invocational inferences. These three words would be explosive and full of vivid imagery for the first century Jewish followers.
By the same token as a Christian if I said just said six words “For God so loved the world…” what other ideas would be flooding the minds of Christians? Not only the rest of that scripture but also the whole passion story of the cross. Brilliant Images of the life and sacrifice of Messiah would begin to come to life as one contemplates what resulted in the world because God so truly loved it.
Our Father is “Avinu” in Hebrew. To the Hebrew listener, this powerful word is a declaration of a familial covenant relationship with the Most High God (El Elyon). When uttered in prayer, a thundering call is now resounding into the spiritual world. The King of the universe is being called upon by His own sons and/or daughters.
Just as when a child is born or adopted, the new little family member takes His father’s last name as his own. Calling God “Avinu” is the affirmation that He has placed His Name upon His children and has protective custody and authority over them all.
Do we really understand how wonderful this is?