Dear Readers:
Throughout my years in ministry, there have been words and phrases the Spirit of the Lord has laid on my heart. In this season, perspective seems to be the operative word. For many of us, seeing the glass as half-full or half-empty is our go-to reference for perspective. However, focusing on perspective goes so much deeper than that—particularly when it comes to interpreting the Bible—God’s Word.
The concept of perspective plays an important role in my husband’s new book; Take Care of Your People – The Enlightened CEO’s Guide to Business Success. In 1986, when Paul co-founded Insperity, a human resource outsourcing company, he concentrated on building a business plan that focused on people and values rather than on cold, hard economics.
When it comes to any organization’s success, there are five major strategic areas to address; sales, finance, operations, technology, and human capital—the people at the heart of your organization. Paul says, “The most frequently neglected area is human capital—and that’s unfortunate because your people as a group are the most critical asset of your business.”
Having this focused perspective on people has enabled Paul and his partners to grow Insperity into a multibillion-dollar company trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
When it comes to the Bible, the phrase “Son of man” (ben Adam) appears 107 times in the first Testament and is normally used as contrast to the status of man compared to that of the Most High God. In Daniel, however, the phrase “Bar enosh” is used, which also translates “Son of man” in Aramaic but is more accurately understood as a son of mankind.
We must look at this vivid imagery through the lenses and perspective of God, the giver of the vision rather than our perspective as human beings. When God appeared to Moses, it would seem He looked for an agent in which to manifest Himself, so he chose a nearby bush. When He was present in the dessert with the children of Israel, He used the agent of a cloud in the daylight, and at night He used the agent of fire to contain Himself. God uses agents to embody His presence. When He gave this curious vision to Daniel, He showed him that at a later time He would use the agent of a son or a person of mankind (bar enosh) to bring His very Presence with power and dominion into the realm of Earth.
Without doubt, perspective embodies not only the way we interpret God’s Word but the level to which God’s Word impacts and changes us.
The day I was introduced to my Savior in His own 1st Century context, it was though the 21st century became an ironic distant past for me. I wanted to know Him in His world. His time. His language. Through Hebrew eyes.
At the time, I didn’t know much Hebrew, but as my perspective on Jesus—Yeshua—changed, I purposed to learn it. I even took an Aramaic course as well as ancient and modern Hebrew classes. I enrolled in the Institute for Hebraic Christian Studies under the teachings of the Hebraic scholar, Dr. Richard Booker. I later finished my graduate classes at the Center for the Study of Biblical Research under the principle scholar and the late Dr. William Bean.
I began to see that the Jesus I thought I knew was so much more! I began to fall in love with His Land. The Land that He had placed His Name upon. His Holy City, the City that He will soon return to and where He will set up His throne. I began to see the beauty of the Judean Hills and the peaceful tranquility of the Galilee region.
When I read His Words now, I hear them differently. I hear His teachings expounding on age-long traditions of His people. I see His listeners hanging His Words on familiar Rabbinic stories of that time. His Words are colored with hues of ancient Middle Eastern culture and style that has turned my heart toward His covenant Fathers that are now mine as well.
My husband and I just returned from our 8th trip to Israel to walk the streets and pathways of Yeshua. We go at least once a year now if not twice taking others on tours of this miraculous place of promise. A place where we encourage our brothers and sisters to view the birthplace of our Savior not through Greco Roman eyes but through His eyes. A place where the Bible comes alive and the lens through which we interpret God’s Word is forever changed. A place where we stand at the crossroads and upon making the choice to take the good way find rest for our souls.
So even now, everyday, we all stand at crossroads of decisions. We make choices every day to choose either the good path or the one that is self-serving or maybe the least effective. May the Lord grant us His Wisdom to find His heart in every matter that we might face. And may we all choose the path of Light that illuminates His plans and purposes in our daily lives and keeps us from stumbling.
Blessings to you all my friends,