Blessed is the One who Finds wisdom

The Mind of God knows all things. He has created all that is and ever has been. There are infinite fathoms of knowledge that are still only known by Him.  Secret mysteries of the universe, prophetic knowledge of The Ages to come and intricate Truths that are an enigma to man belonging only to God.

Yet, even though God knows all and sees all, He is quite generous with His wisdom.

We first see His Wisdom displayed as fruit in the Garden of Eden.

There are two trees mentioned in Genesis 3. They appear to be a cacophony regarding one another.  The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge (of Good and Evil).


The tree of Knowledge was off limits to Adam and Eve. God was explicit when He demanded that they must not eat from that tree or they would SURELY die.

Why was Knowledge between good and evil forbidden?

Because knowledge is determined by perfect judgement -And good judgement must be executed in perfect justice, wisdom, accuracy and omniscience. Man does not have the capacity to judge in perfect exactitude. Only God knows the hidden things; motives, biases, fabrications, or future repercussions just to name a few components of perfect acuity.

The command to not eat of this tree was for the good of man and for his well-being. Man’s attempt to judge right or wrong, good or evil outside of God has proven disastrous as we all now know. But Adam and Eve blatantly disregarded God’s instructions and warnings, and unambiguously deferred to another voice.

The Voice of the Corrupted Angel

God created an extraordinary arch angel which is described in Ezekiel 28 to be Full of wisdom.

…“You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; TLV

This Cherub misappropriated this gift and privilege of wisdom and exploited it for his own distinction. This treacherous subversion was a purposeful strategy to divert man away from God and through intrigue captivate him or her with his “trade” of wealth, power, position and beauty.

17 Your heart was exalted because of your beauty.
You corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.
I threw you down to the earth. TLV

Now mankind (the seed of Adam) must contend with this “wise” entity who acquired the “spoils” that once belonged to man before he disparaged God by yielding to the corrupted one as his ruler and commander. The gift of Earth was forfeited to the deceiver and the endowment of ruling over it along with the title of ruler or prince was acquiesced by Adam.

But thanks be to God, for in His mercy and foresight He had a plan for redemption, power and restoration.

In the proper time God sent the second Adam, his Anointed One. When confronted by the same entity, Satan, to bow down and obey him as the first Adam did, Yeshua refused.

…the devil brought Him up to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. Then he said to Him, “All of it, I will give You, if You will just fall down and worship me,” But Yeshua answered him, “Go Satan! It stands written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God and Him only shall you serve.’’” Matthew 4:8-10 TNT

Yeshua’s ultimate defeat of Satan was triumphing over death, hell and the grave. And by doing this our Messiah exposed Satan’s deception from the Garden concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was through this ruse man has used his own judgment to live his life apart from God.

He will show the world it was wrong about judgment because this world’s ruler stands condemned. John 16:11 CEB

 Wisdom of Christ

 The first Adam was deceived, but the second Adam, Yeshua prevailed! The Bible calls Christ “Wisdom”. We also understand this to be the Mind of Christ.

The Bible says when we are born into the Messiah, we are regenerated, being made into His likeness by His Spirit. As He enters into us, our spirit is quickened and we are made alive in Him. This is not understood to those who are not born again.

A worldly minded individual does not embrace the teachings from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and such an individual cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The one who is Spirit-led, however, discerns all spiritual matters but is not judged by anyone. After all, “Who has known the mind of the LORD, so that a mere mortal would teach Him? We however have the mind of the Anointed One. 1 Cor.2:14-16 TNT

This takes us back to the juxtaposition of the two trees in the garden- the Tree of Knowledge (or Judgment) and the Tree of Life. No one (including Satan) who lives by the tree of Knowledge can judge those who are Christ.

Adam and subsequently his seed is still under the submission of Satan and his world order but when one is born from the Holy Seed, Christ though he lives in the world he is not of it. He operates in a different Kingdom, submitted to God, having his mind renewed. The mind of Christ – His Wisdom.

James 1;5 says “If anyone lacks wisdom, however, let that one ask from God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly. TNT

Wisdom and Messiah are one in the same. When we ask for Messiah to come into our hearts and cleanse us from all unrighteousness He places within us His supernatural Wisdom. This gift of spiritual discernment and God’s gift of knowledge is far better than any promise of the evil one who exploits “wisdom” with the promises of worldly things through deception, lies, theft, lust, seduction, indulgence and witchcraft.

Wisdom is Hebrew is Chokmah and is spiritually imparted from God.

Understanding in Hebrew is benah which is discernment that is given by the Holy Spirit.

This Remis (prophetic hint) from Proverbs 3 is only understood by those in Messiah: You must read the following with intent and sincerity, spiritually discerning His promise.

The Tree of Life

 Proverbs 3 13 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, (Hebrew- chokmah)
    and the one who gets understanding, (Hebrew – benah)
14 for the gain from her is better than gain from silver
    and her profit better than gold.
15 She is more precious than jewels,
    and nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
    and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;
    those who hold her fast are called blessed. ESV

The Tree of Life is guarded and is only made available for those who repent and are refined by the sword that cuts between soul and spirit. Anyone can ask for this and He gives it freely.  What is so beautiful is that He also promises the very things selfish man seeks with their own knowledge and Satan’s intrigue. Riches, honor and long life. But there’s one more thing that God adds that Satan can never provide. PEACE!  This is the difference between the two trees – One is the knowledge and flawed judgment of man convinced by the deceiver to be “good”, not needing to rely on God. The other is the new life in Messiah which is now life abundantly and in the world to come escaping death through the resurrection. God’s plan for us is good and far surpasses anything Satan can offer through his vain promises. Therefore, choose you this day – LIFE – The Tree of Life. Now that’s wisdom.

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