Spirit of the Lord

Dear Readers:

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate with several members of our Nathaniel Fellowship in an evening worship service at a homeless shelter in the DFW metroplex. After sharing my testimony with hundreds of men, I was blessed to pray one-on-one with several of these precious souls. Community outreach is an aspect of ministry I never take for granted—because you just never know how God is going to show up.

That night, the Spirit of the Lord was alive as He worked through the hearts and hands of our volunteer team as they preached the Word with conviction, worshipped in song with praise, and served meals in humility with love. Conviction, praise, and love—three glorious expressions of walking in tandem with the Lord and allowing others to see Him through their tender hearts and selfless actions.

As I stood hand-in-hand in the kitchen praying with my team at the end of the night, I felt deeply grateful for the Spirit of the Lord that was so very present—surrounding us in His glory and mercy as we walked in His footsteps of compassion.

In ancient times people listened to the rabbis and Torah teachers to learn “how to walk.” This wasn’t a lesson in physical walking, as in how to put one foot in front of another and propel yourself forward. This “walking” was much deeper. That is, how to govern themselves among men as well as how to approach their God. Thus, the idea of walking became synonymous to behavior and morality.

As one walks this earth and experiences life, you find that some people operate with a “credo” or a mindset that is governed by convictions, conscience, and personally kept morals. They often help people in distress, open doors for the physically challenged, give up their seat on the subway to the elderly. Maybe some go the extra mile and talk to strangers to encourage or compliment. This approach to interacting with others is known in the Bible as “doing unto others.”

It may be said of this caliber of people that, “they walk the high road” instead of merely passing by on the opposite side. Conversely, some people ignore, cheat, or lie to others. Yeshua’s advice to “Go and do the same” is a mandate to walk in the way of mercy and compassion for one another.

This month Learning His Ways is the title of my Precious Gems teaching—a lesson about walking as it translates to a deeper meaning of conduct. How does one walk about in public places among men? Is his or her walk upright and admirable? In their walk, do they display character everywhere they travel in personal and business dealings? Are they courteous and helpful, or something quite the opposite?

In Biblical lexicon, “walking” is synonymous with “being” among the living.

How we walk matters. The choices we make as we walk among the living matters.

The Bible says in Joshua 24:15, “…But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. … But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Choose this day who you will serve. A choice that can shine the light of hope for all to see and keep us and others from fumbling in darkness and stuck in despair.

Christianity is rooted in the mother faith of Biblical Judaism, the ancient faith of Yeshua, which He so richly walked out. He interpreted His faith rightfully and lived it. Scripture says, “Teach me Your way, Adonai, that I may walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart to fear Your Name” (Psalm 86:11).

As Gentiles learning to walk in the ways (or hallachah) of Yeshua, it is, at times, challenging. Many ways of Yeshua are steeped in Jewish customs and traditions. Though unfamiliar to non-Jews, these traditions or ways were close to our Lord’s heart.

In the coming new year, we will be launching a series of Precious Gems books that shine light on how Jesus—Yeshua walked and lived. Ways I pray will take on new and glorious meaning for readers as we offer Hebraic answers to some of the most pressing Christian questions. If you subscribe to Kaleidoscope, you will receive a special sneak peak invitation when the first book in the series is available. However, if you’ve received this newsletter from a friend, you can click on this link to subscribe.

I pray the stories included in this year-end issue of Kaleidoscope will touch your heart and speak to your spirit. And that you will find yourself hungry to know more about the Jewish Jesus and the rich Hebrew heritage of your Christian faith.

As we enter the Holy season of Chanukah, also known as the Feast of Dedication, let us embrace the way Jesus—Yeshua. Let us be the walking spirit of the Lord and the face of God that others see this season—and always.

Until we meet again in the New Year,


Dr. Victoria

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