A Great Lesson in Prayer Luke 11:1

The Lord’s Prayer is a guide. An exquisite model given by the Messiah Himself to those who truly want to hit the mark when they pray. To the Jewish listener, Yeshas’s instruction on how to pray is traditional and Hebraic. It was not given as mantra to be uttered in repetition. Often called The Lord’s Prayer, this perfectly formatted and time-honored prayer has many recognizable Jewish phrases and common supplications that would cause a Jewish listener to soar into familiar petitions. It is a common agreement among scholars that the Lord’s Prayer is a “condensed version” of the Amidah. As I put meat on the bones of this corporate prayer model, hear the heart of God and the most ancient and common Jewish traditions of prayer dovetail into a most powerful supplication before God. When you pray allow yourself to expound on the Jewish traditions of prayer as I’ve outlined them below. May we all pray this prayer in unity of heart (Kavenah) in Messiah!


  1. Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Establish your relationship:

Avinu, our Father. The One who calls us by Name and has established us as His own by His wonderful Blood Covenant and the One who’s Name is written on us and in us. Lord, Sanctify Your great Name in our hearts and remove any defilement. Restore Your right Spirit within me and in all who are humbled before You.


  1. Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Establish His position:

You are the King of all Heaven. The King of the Universe. Who can be compared with You? (Mi Kamochah)? No one! (Ain Kamochah)! There is none higher. No – none greater in Earth or in Heaven.


  1. Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Establish His Name:

Holy and great is Your Name Oh, God of Creation and the Name of Your Messiah, Yeshua. For You are One and are greatly to be praised. For You God are the Name above all Names. You are our All in all. El Shaddai – God Almighty. El Elyon – The Most High. You are “the Great I am”. Asher haya, v’hovay, v’yavo. (The one who was and is and is to come).


  1. Jewish Tradition of prayer – Establish His Purpose:

May your Kingdom reign in the lives of your people and in Your Land, Israel. May the nations realize your Kingdom authority as You rule from Your Holy Throne in Heaven. May the Kingdom of Light dispel the darkness that has settled upon the Earth. May we who are called by Your Name share Your Light and advance Your Kingdom as we live and move on the Earth. May we supernaturally touch many for Your Kingdom and impart your love and hope.  May your will be accomplished as Your Kingdom plans are established in our lives.


  1. Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Establish your needs:

Grant us Lord the daily allotments of your covenantal promises. Just as you sent manna to your new nation, watch over us in our needs today. For You are the same God – Yesterday, today, and forever. For this we trust that You are a good Abba and you know our needs before we even ask.


  1. Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Pray for humility:

Lord God, you are merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against you. (Da. 9:9)

Thank you for your boundless mercy and kindness. May we also continue in that kindness. (Romans 11:22) May we not be boastful or proud but rather in walk in humility, forgiving others as You have forgiven us.


  1. Jewish Tradition Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Pray to be transformed:

Righteous Lord, continue to change us. Deliver us from the vestiges of our sinful nature which is persistent to work against us. Renew us today, to be made into the image of Your Son. May Yeshua dwell within each one of us, strengthening us to never be tempted to go back to our old ways.  Lord, perfect our faith that we may hate sin. Complete the work that You have started in us until You come to restore Your Righteous Kingdom on the earth.


  1. Jewish Tradition Jewish Tradition of Prayer – Close with Praise

God, I praise you that You have heard our prayer as one body. Keep us united as in Spirit as You fulfill all of these petitions according to Your riches and glory.




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