Have you ever stopped to think what is the Rock of our Salvation? What does it mean? What is it about the stone that the builders rejected? The idioms of stones and rocks are awesome mysteries in God’s Word. We only know God as He chooses to reveal...
A Great Lesson in Prayer Luke 11:1
The Lord’s Prayer is a guide. An exquisite model given by the Messiah Himself to those who truly want to hit the mark when they pray. To the Jewish listener, Yeshas’s instruction on how to pray is traditional and Hebraic. It was not given as mantra to be uttered in...
Our Father; a Covenantal Claim – Matthew 6:9
As we break down the ancient Jewish prayer that Yeshua taught us to pray, it’s important to understand the prayer from its original Jewish matrix. How did the disciples understand the instructions? When Yeshua said the three words “Our Father” the disciples would begin to hear many other words...
I Put Before You Blessing and Cursing
My Presence Shall Go With You
Prepare for War: Joel 3:9
A Summons from Adonai Jeremiah 9:17-22
We are now entering into the month of Av – the time of lamenting. From times past on Av 1 - Av 9, the Jews have practiced a set time of mourning. These 9 days of lament will culminate next Tuesday on the 9th of Av. The disastrous day when...
The Seals in the Hands of Yeshua Revelations 5:2
The Terrifying Vision We see in the 12th chapter of Daniel that this prophet of God has a disturbing vision. He is quite perplexed and is seeking God to understand. But, instead of explaining the end-time vision to Daniel, the powerful arch angel, Michael tells him to seal up the words...