Ecumenism, Unity and Agreement An Act of God – John 17:23

Ecumenism in the Church

Ecumenism mainly refers to initiatives aimed at greater Christian unity or cooperation. It is used predominantly by Christian denominations and Christian Churches separated by doctrine, history, and practice. Within this context, the term “ecumenism” refers to the idea of Christian unity in the literal meaning that there should be a single Christian Church. And while there has been some cross-denominational uniformity from time to time, there has been even more division to the tune of over 33,000 different Christian sects.


Yeshua prayed for this unity.


I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me. John 17:23


The actualization of this prayer is predicated on the world’s revelation of God sending the Messiah in the bodily form of Yeshua and therefore must be initiated and performed by God himself. And if God is God, and Yesua is His Messiah, then He will surely do it in the ripeness of time.


Ecumenism between Judaism and Christianity

Because Judaism and Christianity share a common Jewish root, there has been some success in the last few decades bridging the gap that has long separated the two religious groups. There is no doubt that God is working to bring harmony and reconciliation between these two great faiths grounded in the God of Israel and the Tenach. There must first be commonality in order to pave a way to oneness.


The biggest difference between the two great faiths of Judaism and Christianity is the obvious question of Messiah. At different times in history there have been various Jewish groups who claimed that the Jewish Messiah had come. One of the most respected rabbis of the 2nd century was Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph. Akiva believed Simon bar Kokba was the Messiah. Due to Akiva’s popularity, his belief in Bar Kokba incited many other rabbis, sages, and Jewish sects to participate in a revolt against Rome to pave the way for the acclaimed messiah to take Kingship over Judea and the Roman Empire. After the fall of Jerusalem, the sacred Holy Temple and the death of Bar Kokba, Akiva went on to become the lead rabbi of modern-day Rabbinical Judaism.

Several others claiming Messiahship are written in Jewish history including one as recent as 1994. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement and was recognized as the pioneer of Jewish outreach. During his lifetime, many of his adherents believed that he was the Messiah and now, after his death many are awaiting his resurrection.


The most prominent of the claims of the Jewish Messiah was Yeshua, of Nazareth, in Galilee of Judea. It is estimated by some theologians that as many as 1/3 of the Judeans believed him to be the Messiah. In time, the Jewish followers shared the news of his coming to the Gentiles. As a result, massive numbers of non-Jews left their paganism and believed in the Messiahship of this miracle working Jewish Rabbi. As a result, 2.3 billion non-Jews today in the world have made Yeshua, of Nazareth the most widely followed and most famous Jewish Messiah claimant in human history. Aside from Christians, Muslims also believe that Yeshua was the Jewish Messiah but not the Son of God. The New Testament was written by Jews as a testimony to how Yeshua satisfied the 1st Testament books of prophecy concerning qualifications of their Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth is also mentioned by 1st century historian, Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews.


Global Ecumenicalism

Lately ecumenicalism has been attempted to unify all global religions with little success. Since the unifying of all religions is not a prophetic goal in the purposes of God written in Bible prophecy it is no wonder the attempts have backfired by the various popes and religious leaders as far back as the construction of the Tower of Babel. The One true God and the other gods of humankind will not share a throne. In the End of Days there will be a major endeavor to unite all religions by the false messiah and his one world religious influencer also known as the false prophet. Those who know the one true God of Israel (Christians and Jews) will share a greater bond in persecution.


An Act of God

The reason why there is no unity now within Christianity itself and with the mother faith of Judaism have to do with the human heart. Even the best of man’s attempts to unify involves ego, arrogance, jealousy, judgment, sectarianism and different interpretations. The only unifier is God himself. His self-disclosure, divine revelation and love are the great galvanizing components that will pierce through the hearts of those who seek Him.

Pray for God to move upon all His People so that He will make us all One New man in Him.

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