The Seals in the Hands of Yeshua Revelations 5:2

The Terrifying Vision               

We see in the 12th chapter of Daniel that this prophet of God has a disturbing vision. He is quite perplexed and is seeking God to understand. But, instead of explaining the end-time vision to Daniel, the powerful arch angel, Michael tells him to seal up the words to the vision, for they are to be kept secret until the end of the time of this present kingdom (of darkness) just before God re-establishes His Throne on a restored planet earth.


He answered, “Go on your way, Daniel. The scroll is rolled up. It is sealed until the time of the end” (Daniel 12:9). 


The terrifying events that Daniel witnessed in his vision must occur first in order for God to finish performing and establishing His good and ultimate plans and purposes for the righteous ones and the restoration of His creation for the righteous called the earth. Only after all these events occur can God fully redeem, justify, and glorify man back to his (or her) originally blessed existence on the Mountain of God also known as the Garden of Eden.

Some might ask, “Why must these horrible things that have been prophesied happen”? It is because Adam and Eve chose to obey the fallen angel, Lucifer, instead of God, thereby making Lucifer their master and, in so doing, forfeiting (as spoils) the dominion they once had over the earth as rulers. The world now belongs to the Prince of Darkness, and he has set up his fallen angels as rulers and principalities in high places of authority over all the regions of the earth. The inhabitants of the planet are relentlessly subjected to the exploiting of “satan’s trade” as he lures by intrigue, deception, usury, sexuality, idolatry, self-aggrandizement, and witchcraft.


            The Second Adam

It is only through the Messiah (the second Adam) that man can live in a “higher self,” navigated by the Holy Spirit that now dwells in him to live in this world but not participate in the realms of extortion and intrigue.

The rulers of this present kingdom of darkness will be dethroned and eliminated, but God desires first that those who are in covenant with the deceiver wake up to their condition of subjection. He has been long-suffering for the children of Adam to realize who their God truly is. It is not money, material possessions, power, prestige, and plenty that comes by one’s own hand through the mechanisms of this fallen world systems, but rather it is complete dedication toward our Creator and Messiah. It is the Revelation that is He the one true God that gives us His Wisdom to live and thrive. God yearns that man opens his ears to hear His Voice and to teach us His great mysteries. He desires that man leave the trappings and intrigue of satan’s domain and implores that we enter into a covenant with Him -a covenant that is bountiful and eternal. Not only does He promise us sustenance, long life, wealth, peace, and joy in this life, but also in the coming New Eden. It will be a paradise that is free from war, disease, poverty, and death. He will merge the restored earth with the Kingdom of Heaven wherein lies no deception, hate, or death. A perfect Holy Nation where everyone of every race, ethnicity, gender, and culture will learn His ways and walk equally in His righteousness.

Unfortunately, when everything is going well globally, humankind feels they do not need God. They pursue their own passions and self-elevation. They are unknowingly controlled by spirits of greed and selfishness of this kingdom, void of the God of Heaven,

But the hard truth is this; It is more likely when one has to deal with sickness, fear, and loss that one tends to fall to their knees to seek healing, peace, and help in those times of need. The horrifying events that Daniel witnessed will come upon the earth and will cause great distress. But, in distress, many will realize what is indeed important and return to the Lord. These events, called tribulations, will cause many to repent and cry out to God, trusting Him as their Savior. These new and renewed believers will leave their “first Adam fallen state” and trust in Yeshua, “the second Adam.” When one trusts in Yeshua, he is reborn into a new creation, not subject to the exploitation of Satan, the Prince of the earth. He is now able to navigate the temptations of this fallen world and even endure the difficult things that yet must happen before the restoration of all things.


            Times of Tribulation

Now, the only way to manifest and perform these sealed up, distressing prophecies is for the Messiah to open the seals.

There were 483 years between the time Daniel lived, and Yeshua was born. So it was that the seals remained secure until the Lamb was slain.


And I saw a powerful angel calling in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” But there was no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth who could open the scroll or look inside it. I cried bitterly because there was no one who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. But one of the elders said to me, “Do not cry! The Lion from the tribe of Judah, David’s descendant, has won the victory so that he is able to open the scroll and its seven seals” (Revelation 5:2-5).


Worthy Lord Yeshua, we first thank You that You promise to protect Your people, providing ways of escape and endurance. We ask You to continue to open the seals that looses war, murder, diseases and famines, martyrdom, natural disasters and the trumpets of judgement. May you continue and finish separating the Light from darkness and purge evil from the Earth.  We cry out to you “Come Lord Jesus with Your Holy Kingdom”!

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