The Miraculous Seed Within

I often think about what makes some people flourish when faced with unexpected obstacles and sometimes devastating life challenges, and others wither on the vine and retreat into places of fear, anger, and negativity. While the complex subjects of nature versus nurture, inherent personality traits, and a host of environmental, psychological, and emotional factors are all components in this complex cocktail of character, I still believe that faith is the true fertilizer of the soul. A faithful transformed heart is the Seed from which all blessings flow, producing a life rich in promise and purpose.


The relationship of farmer to field is also one of promise, preparation, and purpose. The ground is prepared, seeds are planted, soil is watered, and with constant tending, the farmer is confident that time will produce the evidence of hard work and faith —that he will ultimately reap what he has sown. This principle is intrinsic in God’s promise of the Seed and His living Water hidden in our fertile hearts.


                         I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  1 Cor. 3:6


An important aspect of our long-term ministry mission is to provide information about the Jewish roots of our Christian faith, yet there is so much more to growing in our faith than obtaining information. Far more critical is our ability to take that head knowledge and absorb it deep into our heart and spirit. For some, this miraculous integration of head/heart knowledge occurs seamlessly. For others, it is a process that takes seasons of change.


The Omer – The Harvest

There is a rich and profoundly meaningful tradition the Jewish people have performed for centuries to commemorate the time of Passover – The exact season when the blood of Yeshua was poured into the ground and His body came forth from the Earth restored, yielding, and planting His seed into many of God’s chosen people. Many Christians know (or understand) little of the rich traditions of His followers. We are so far removed from what Yeshua meant by His words in Luke 24:49 “I am sending the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

The Hebrew ears understood what this promise meant from the many years of counting the omer from the Feast of First Fruits to the Feast of Shavu’ot. God had always expected His people to offer a grain offering (an offering of grain representing themselves along with an offering of an animal sacrifice). But this time as Yeshua commanded them to go and wait, it was going to be different. He was going to renew and grow the Seed of their personal offering in their very being. He was doing a new thing, clothing His people in righteousness, infusing them with the power of His Spirit thereby changing all who trust Him into a new creation – a Holy and acceptable offering! God was growing it!

Time to Grow

While the avenues of our outreach ministry are many, the destination remains the same—to follow the Savior (our husbandman) with unconditional trust and love. As we are planted in this appointed season of super-natural spiritual growth, let us grow strong alongside one another. May we advance God’s Kingdom in number and understanding, always looking forward to the harvest of the resurrection of all souls who are of the Seed, Yeshua.


I pray you be empowered by the miraculous force propagating within your heart to bring forth worthy fruit for His Kingdom.



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